May 22, 2022

Before this book, I had never read a true romance novel before. It was my intention to suss out whether I actually didn’t like the genre, or if I just expected not to like it. The short result is that the book was entertaining, and little else. There seems to be a trend in modern romance of taking the smutty fabio romances of the past and dressing them up as supposedly complex and nuanced dramas. This is no exception. The “twist” was both guessable by the end of the first few chapters, and a shallow and unexplored investigation of a complicated and important topic. The characters were largely unlikeable, especially the male lead, whose “redeeming” tragic backstory failed to humanize him enough to offset his selfish and materialistic behavior. If you’re looking for a well-developed character romance, this is not it. With that said, as far as a fairly light and sexy read goes, the book keeps you engaged and entertained rather well. It’s easy, quick, and satisfying, in part because of its predictability. Few surprises, if any, and well-delivered physical chemistry make it a relaxing and accessible read.
P.S. I took this cover photo from the amazon listing because I do not, in fact own this book. I read it in between customers while working the register at Barnes and Noble. Boos makes a dollar and I make a dime, and that's why I read on company time.